Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A New Adventure Awaits!

I've been away for a while... taking care of myself and others. My mom passed away and I needed time to heal and find myself. Life sometimes can be a whirlwind and it can make you dizzy. Great news though, I'm back and have lots of exciting things planned!

For one, I'm working on uploading a lot of YouTube content that will cover all kinds of things, from tutorials, to unboxing, to reading clips from my best sellers. I've been behind a camera and behind the scenes since 1991. With my experience acting, filming, editing, etc, I'm looking forward to entertaining you with humor and all kinds of cool things.

Thanks for reading my posts and sticking with me for however long you've enjoyed my work. I am so appreciative of you and can't wait to take it to a whole new level.


Steven W.